WILLIAM MTHETHWA - Setjwetla (198?)

Roy B/Dephon, RBL137   
Producer: William Mthethwa     
Engineer: David Moloele           
Recorded at: Orange 338                                                

'Mr Everything' has had a long and prolific career but he arguably reached his peak with Setjwetla, a hot disc full of potent synths, violent vocals and catchy melodies, including shout-out's to his native Free State ('Haak Vrystaat') and the vibrant Sotho township south of Joburg ('Sebokeng').

“One release that drew him into sharp spotlight was his controversial album Setjwetla, which was accompanied by dancing in the nude. It provoked so much debate in the national media, to which he responded by saying the song was inspired by a Basotho cultural dance. The storm overshadowed good tracks on the album like 'Haak Vrystaat', 'Mphe Borotho' and 'Kgwedi E Fedile'.” (Mojapelo, 2008:46).